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Federal Court’s Dig on Canada’s Emergencies Act on Crypto

The public safety minister Dominic LeBlanc said “Deciding to invoke the Emergencies Act for the first time was hard”.


This Tuesday, the Federal Court of Canada took a serious dig on an emergency measure that granted the government the authority to stop the flow of money and cryptocurrency. The court called the act irrational and unconstitutional. This move comes in support of the truckers who were protesting against the act.

The Emergencies Act was invoked during the Freedom Convoy protests, which gridlocked downtown Ottawa for three weeks in 2022 in opposition to COVID restrictions. The federal court found that the Act was not relevant to factual circumstances. The public safety minister Dominic LeBlanc said deciding to invoke the Emergencies Act for the first time was hard.

The cabinet Retreat Montreal, Freeland said “We were convinced at the time, I was convinced at the time, it was the right thing to do. I remain and we remain convinced of that”.

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, first applied the law in 2022 to freeze money, which included cryptocurrency donations, and the court found this unconstitutional. 

The 2022 trucker demonstrations were heavily financed by cryptocurrency; demonstrators are said to have received millions of dollars, however, the precise amount raised is still unknown because of the difficulty in tracking decentralized digital assets.

Written By- Manmeet Kaur


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